Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social, Technical
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1900 - 1920
143081, 42327
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached creamery complex, built c.1910, comprising three-bay block to west, now in use as garage and five-bay single-storey block to east, now in use shop. Single-pitch corrugated-iron roof to west block having rendered corniced eaves to front (north) elevation carrying recent metal signage. Flat bitumen-clad and recent corrugated-iron steel roof to east block. Rendered walls throughout. Square-headed window openings with render sills throughout having timber casement, cast-iron casement and recent uPVC casement windows. Square-headed door openings throughout. Double-leaf steel plate doors to front elevation of west block on steel rails. Replacement doors to east block. Gable-fronted single-storey outbuilding to east, having pitched corrugated-iron roof, rendered walls and square-headed door opening to front (north) elevation with steel door on steel rail.
This former creamery comprises an interesting group of structures that have utilised a wide range of materials in their construction including rubble stone and corrugated-iron. The early corrugated-iron roofs and sliding doors are typical features of this building type, while the metal lettering adds much character to the site. It is a historical reminder of the importance of community-based industry before the advent of large-scale creameries.