Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Technical

Original Use


In Use As



1810 - 1830


160484, 136743

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Range of multiple-bay two-storey outbuildings of former Camas House, built c. 1820. Camas House demolished. Half-hipped slate roofs with red brick chimneystacks. Roughly dressed limestone walls with dressed quoins. Square-headed openings having red brick copings. Two-storey three-bay former coach house to north of outbuildings. Pitched slate roof with red brick chimneystack. Roughly dressed limestone walls with cut limestone stringcourse to gable. Camber-headed openings to first floor with red brick voussoirs and stone sills. Camber-headed openings to ground floor with cut limestone voussoirs. Segmental-arched opening to gable with dressed limestone voussoirs. Single-arch bridge to north-west of site. Segmental arch with dressed limestone walls and cut limestone stringcourse. Rock-faced parapet walls with carved limestone plaque to west parapet. Two single-arch bridges to north-east of site. One having segmental arch with roughly dressed walls and cut voussoirs having prominent keystone. Side elevations of second bridge not visible. Rock-faced parapet walls terminating in square-profile piers with wrought-iron gate to carriageway.


Although Camas House is now destroyed, the remaining structures associated with the house form an interesting and diverse group. The outbuilding although simple in design retain many notable features including the use of varied stone and brick finishes which adds textural variation to the visual appearance of the group. Most notable are the three bridges which located to the north-west and east of the site. These also display the work of skilled craftsmen in their execution. Plaque to a bridge reads: 'Anno Domini 1838 built by Federick Bevan Esq of Camas.'