Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use

Presbytery/parochial/curate's house

In Use As

Presbytery/parochial/curate's house


1860 - 1900


174257, 129132

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached two-bay two-storey parochial house, c.1880, with shallow box bay windows to front (south) and west elevations and single-bay two-storey extension to rear. Hipped slate roof with terracotta ridge crestings, rendered chimneystacks and cast-iron rainwater goods. Rendered walls, render plinth course having cast-iron grilles and render cornice to bay windows. Square-headed tripartite openings to first floor with moulded render surrounds and replacement uPVC windows throughout. Square-headed tripartite window openings to bay window having render Doric style pilasters. Square-headed opening to first floor, rear (north) elevation, with one-over-one pane timber sliding sash stained glass window. Round-headed opening to rear (north) elevation having replacement uPVC window. Round-headed opening with render surround, comprising moulded cornice, stringcourse, Doric style pilasters and spoked fanlight over timber panelled door having leaded glazed panels and sidelights. Four-bay single-storey outbuilding to north-east having pitched slate roof. Concrete walls. Square-headed openings with timber battened doors. Rendered boundary walls with cast-iron railings. Cast-iron post box to boundary wall, west elevation.


This parochial house retains much of its original form and fabric. Features such as the tripartite openings showing moulded rendered dressings contribute significantly to its architectural interest.