Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
1880 - 1900
158470, 122903
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached six-bay single-storey creamery, built c. 1890, with corrugated-iron addition to north-west. Pitched slate roof with metal vents and cast-iron rainwater goods. Random coursed limestone walls having dressed limestone quoins. Square-headed window openings to front (north-east) elevation having red brick block-and-start surrounds and metal sill guards. Square-headed openings with red brick voussoirs and timber battened doors. Square-headed opening having double-leaf timber battened doors. Segmental-headed carriage arch having red brick voussoirs, now partially blocked up. Random coursed sandstone boundary walls to north-east with render copings.
A creamery which once played a vital role supporting the local rural economy and which, although in poor repair, retains its original form and substantial quantities of its original fabric. The creamery was described as a "Butter Factory" operated by the Effin Creamery Company in the 1901 Census but, the operations having transferred to a larger plan (see 21905502), it was described as a "Disused Creamery" in the 1911 Census.