Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Previous Name
Tyone Mill
Original Use
Mill manager's house
In Use As
1780 - 1820
187447, 178038
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached five-bay two-storey mill manager's house, built c.1800, having three-bay end elevations and single-storey two-bay extension with mono-pitch roof to rear. Now in use as private house. Hipped slate roof having paired eaves brackets and brick and with rendered triple offset chimneystacks on rear wall. Rendered walls. Square-headed openings with replacement uPVC windows, with limestone sills. Round-headed door opening with timber panelled door having fluted lintel, ornate leaded cobweb fanlight, Doric columns and limestone steps. Single-storey lofted stable to site with pitched slate roof and rendered stone walls. Rendered walls and piers with cast-iron gates to entrance.
The rhythm of the slightly-asymmetrical fenestration, slated roof, and roughly-finished render give this interesting building a patina of age. The short sweep walls to the former entrance on the north elevation and the decorative fanlight and doorcase to the east elevation are evidence of the quality craftsmanship of the past.