Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1860 - 1870
260443, 112093
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay three-storey red brick house, c.1865. Reroofed and refenestrated, c.1990. Pitched roof with replacement artificial slate, c.1990, clay ridge tiles, rendered (shared) chimney stack, and cast-iron rainwater goods on red brick eaves. Red brick Common bond (fifth course headers) walls with yellow and vitrified blue brick stringcourses. Square-headed window openings with stone sills, and yellow and vitrified blue brick ‘voussoirs’. Replacement uPVC casement windows, c.1990. Square-headed door opening with yellow and vitrified blue brick ‘voussoirs’, timber panelled door and overlight. Road fronted with concrete footpath to front.
This house is an attractive and substantial composition that retains its original form. The house is distinguished by the construction in red brick, with yellow and vitrified blue brick dressings producing a polychromatic effect. However, the visual appeal of the building is not enhanced by the replacement fittings to the openings. The house is of additional significance for its contribution to the historic character of the streetscape of Barrack Street.