Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Original Use


In Use As



1905 - 1915


260977, 112132

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced single-bay two-storey gable-fronted red brick Baptist church, dated 1910, with single-bay two-storey entrance bay to north. Pitched (gable-fronted) slate roof with clay ridge tiles, cut-stone coping, and cast-iron rainwater goods. Mono-pitched (saw tooth-profile) slate roofs to entrance bay behind parapet with cast-iron rainwater goods. Red brick Flemish bond wall to front (east) elevation with cut-stone date stone/plaque, cut-limestone horizontal bands, yellow terracotta tile panels between openings to each floor, and cut-stone coping to gable. Red brick Flemish bond piers to entrance bay with cut-limestone horizontal bands, and red brick battlemented parapet having cut-limestone chamfered coping. Unpainted rendered walls to remainder. Square-headed window openings extending into upper floor (through terracotta tile panels) as lancet window openings in five-light arrangement with cut-limestone voussoirs. Fixed-pane leaded stained glass windows. Shallow segmental-headed door opening to left ground floor in shallow segmental-headed recess with timber panelled door and overlight. Shallow segmental-headed door opening to entrance bay with cut-limestone hood moulding, and tongue-and-groove timber panelled double doors. Pointed-arch window openings over in tripartite arrangement with chamfered reveals, cut-limestone voussoirs, and fixed-pane leaded stained glass windows. Road fronted with concrete footpath to front.


An attractive, small-scale church that is afforded presence in the street through the combination of red brick and limestone in the construction, producing a textured polychromatic, banded effect. Well maintained retaining an original aspect, the church retains features of artistic significance, including stained glass panels and decorative terracotta tile detailing. The church is of significance as evidence of a Baptist community in Waterford City, reflecting the diversity of religious beliefs in the locality.