Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social

Original Use



1895 - 1905


260236, 111734

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached six-bay two-storey rubble stone building, c.1900, possibly originally school retaining original aspect comprising single-bay two-storey gabled advanced entrance bay with two-bay two-storey range to south-west, and three-bay double-height range to north-east. Now disused. Pitched slate roof (gabled to entrance bay) with clay ridge tiles, yellow brick Flemish bond chimney stack, timber bargeboards, and cast-iron rainwater goods on yellow brick Flemish bond eaves. Random rubble stone walls with lime mortar, and yellow brick quoins. Pair of lancet recessed niches to entrance bay with yellow brick surrounds. Square-headed window openings with stone sills, and yellow brick block-and-start surrounds. 2/2 and 6/6 timber sash windows with fixed-pane timber windows to double-height range having overlights, and most openings having wrought iron bars. Square-headed door opening with yellow brick block-and-start surround, and tongue-and-groove timber panelled door. Set in grounds shared with Saint Joseph’s House with rear (south-east) elevation fronting on to road. (ii) Attached five-bay single-storey rubble stone outbuilding, c.1900, to north-east. Now disused. Pitched slate roof with clay ridge tiles, rendered coping, and no rainwater goods on rendered eaves. Random rubble stone walls with lime mortar, and red brick quoins to corner. Square-headed window openings with rendered sills, and red brick dressings. 6/6 timber sash windows with wrought iron bars. Square-headed door openings with timber boarded door, and timber boarded sliding door.


A picturesque, small-scale building of informal appearance that appears to have been originally intended for use as a school, as suggested by the double-height range to north-east. Although now disused, the building retains its original form and massing, together with most of the original fabric, while the construction in rubble stone with yellow brick dressings produces an appealing polychromatic, textured effect typical of the period of construction.