Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social
Original Use
In Use As
1740 - 1760
214202, 99051
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached three-bay single-storey thatched cottage, c.1750. Extensively renovated and extended, c.1975, comprising four-bay single-storey wing to right (west) with single-bay single-storey flat-roofed projecting porch added. Hipped roof with reed thatch having rope work to ridge, and rendered chimney stack. Pitched artificial slate roof to wing with clay ridge tiles, and no rainwater goods on timber eaves. Flat felt roof to porch with timber eaves. Painted rendered walls with Tudor-style timber framing, c.1975. Square-headed window openings with replacement timber sills, c.1975, and replacement timber casement windows, c.1975. Square-headed door opening with glazed timber panelled door. Set in own grounds with rear (south) elevation fronting on to road.
Although inappropriately altered and extended in the late twentieth century, this cottage remains an important element of the vernacular heritage of County Waterford, as identified by features including the thatched roof. The cottage presents a feature of distinctive character in the landscape.