Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Historical, Social

Original Use

Country house

In Use As

Country house


1870 - 1880


218130, 96880

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay (three-bay deep) two-storey over basement country house, built 1875-7, on an L-shaped plan centred on single-bay single-storey flat-roofed projecting porch to ground floor on an elliptical bowed plan abutting single-bay two-storey advanced end bay; five-bay two-storey rear (south) elevation. Occupied, 1901. Vacant, 1911. Sold, 1944. Hipped slate roofs on an L-shaped plan with clay ridge tiles, rendered chimney stacks on rendered bases having corbelled stepped capping supporting terracotta pots, and cast-iron rainwater goods on dentilated cornice retaining cast-iron square profile downpipes. Rendered, ruled and lined walls on moulded cushion course on plinth with dentilated cornice on blind frieze on stringcourse. Square-headed central door opening in tripartite arrangement approached by flight of three steps, tapered pilasters on pedestals supporting dentilated cornice on blind frieze on entablature below parapet framing timber panelled double doors having one-over-one sidelights. Square-headed door opening into country house with glazed timber double doors having overlight. Camber-headed window opening (first floor), concealed dressings with moulded archivolt centred on keystone framing timber casement window having overlight. Paired square-headed (east) or square-headed (west) window openings in square-headed recesses with sill course, and concealed dressings having bull nose-detailed reveals framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Paired camber-headed (east) or camber-headed (west) window openings (first floor) with sill course, and concealed dressings with moulded archivolts centred on keystones framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Square-headed central door opening (south) approached by flight of six steps, rendered doorcase with pilasters supporting segmental pediment on elongated consoles framing glazed timber double doors having overlight. Square-headed flanking window openings in square-headed recesses with sill course, and concealed dressings having bull nose-detailed reveals framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Camber-headed window openings (first floor) with sill course, and concealed dressings with moulded archivolts centred on keystones framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Interior including (ground floor): central hall retaining carved timber surrounds to door openings framing timber panelled doors, and plasterwork cornice to ceiling; and carved timber surrounds to door openings to remainder framing timber panelled doors with carved timber surrounds to window openings framing timber panelled shutters on panelled risers. Set in landscaped grounds.


A country house erected for Richard John Ussher (1841-1913) to designs exhibited (1876) by James Otway (1843-1906) and Robert Graeme Watt (----) representing an important component of the later nineteenth-century domestic built heritage of County Waterford with the architectural value of the composition confirmed by such attributes as the deliberate alignment maximising on panoramic vistas overlooking "The American Ground" and a wooded lake with a hilly backdrop in the distance; the compact plan form centred on a Classically-detailed curvilinear porch; and the diminishing in scale of the openings on each floor producing a graduated visual impression with the principal "apartments" defined by bipartite or polygonal bay windows. Having been well maintained, the elementary form and massing survive intact together with substantial quantities of the original fabric, both to the exterior and to the interior where contemporary joinery; Classical-style chimneypieces; and plasterwork enrichments, all highlight the artistic potential of a country house having historic connections with the Ussher family including Beverley Grant Ussher (1867-1956) and Percival Arnold "Arland" Ussher (1899-1980); and Colonel Kendal George Fleming Chavasse DSO (1904-2001). NOTE: A collection of photographs (August 1922) illustrates the occupation of Cappagh House by the West Waterford Flying Column of the Irish Republican Army during "The Troubles" (1919-23).