Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1790 - 1830
129692, 225590
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached corner-sited four-bay three-storey over basement double-pile house, built c.1810. M-profile hipped slate roof having rendered chimneystacks and cast-iron rainwater goods. Lined-and-ruled rendered walls having rendered and red-brick eaves course. Square-headed window openings having tooled limestone sills. Two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows, tripartite to south elevation, with mainly replacement uPVC windows to top floor. Round-headed door opening within tooled limestone doorcase comprising panelled pilasters with plinths and having foliate consoles supporting moulded open-bed pediment, and having decoratively-carved timber panelled door. Entrance approached by flight of limestone steps with cast-iron railings. Cut limestone plinth wall to area, with cast-iron railings. Rendered wall to north having moulded coping and square-headed vehicular and pedestrian entrances.
This corner-sited Georgian-style house was built on part of the site once occupied by the Abbey of St Francis. The railed area to the basement provides privacy from the street and access by a flight of steps creates an air of grandeur. High quality craftsmanship is apparent in the carved limestone doorcase with its ornately carved timber door. The scale and form of the house contribute significantly to the variety of Galway's domestic architecture and to the historic streetscape around the court house.