Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1850 - 1870


184510, 231403

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey over basement house, built c.1860, having projecting west end bay with shallow breakfront detail having flat-roofed canted bay window to front. Stairs return to rear with catslide roof. Later canted bay window to west elevation, and two-bay single-storey lean-to extension to rear (north) elevation. Hipped slate roofs, rendered chimneystacks and eaves course, and some cast-iron rainwater goods. Smooth rendered walls with cut-stone plinth. Square-headed window openings with cut-stone sills throughout, having six-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows to front elevation, tripartite to projecting bay. Moulded timber window surrounds and cornice to front canted bay window. Moulded render surround and cornice to east end ground floor window. Replacement uPVC windows to rear. Square-headed door opening with timber panelled door and overlight, set into cut-stone doorcase comprising pilasters with brackets supporting cornice, approached by flight of cut-stone steps with rendered parapet walls with cut-stone copings. Yard to rear with cut-stone piers and rubble stone boundary walls. Detached two-storey three-bay outbuilding with pitched slate roof, rubble stone walls and square-headed openings to rear of yard.


One of three middle-sized detached houses built on this stretch of road in the latter half of the nineteenth century, this buillding is evidence of a burgeoning middle class in Ballinasloe, and reflects early suburban living in Ireland, probably due in part to the proximity of the railway station. The bay window and cut-stone doorcase add interest to the elevation, and the timber sash windows add depth and texture to the front elevation.