Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Archaeological, Architectural

Previous Name

Ivy Castle

Original Use


In Use As



1770 - 1790


185887, 231081

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1780, with two-bay two-storey return to north (rear) elevation, and with multiple-bay two-storey lower addition to north gable of return. Pitched slate roofs and rendered and brick chimneystacks with ceramic pots. Cut-stone eaves course. Roughcast rendered walls. Square-headed window openings with two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows and cut-stone sills. Round-headed painted carved limestone doorcase comprising fluted pilasters with moulded plinths and capitals, carved lintel with fluting and medallions, archivolt with fluted keystone, timber fanlight and having replacement timber door. Garden to front of house having wrought-ion pedestrian gate to moulded concrete piers set into similar boundary wall. Remains of castle to west of site, with ivy-covered bawn walls of c.1600, with remains of corner tower and moat.


This house is of simple symmetrical proportions and retains interesting features and materials such as timber sliding sash windows, limestone sills and door surround. The large end chimneystacks provide a visual counterpoint to the horizontal emphasis of the elevation. The ruinous castle adds important context to the site.