Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1840 - 1860


190737, 214506

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay single-storey over raised basement house, built c.1850, having full-height block to rear (north) elevation, with full-height two-bay return. Two-storey elevations to sides and rear. Hipped slate roofs with rendered chimneystacks. Roughcast rendered walls with cut limestone string course between floors. Square-headed window openings with cut limestone sills throughout, having timber sliding sash windows with two-over-two panes to front elevation, and mixed timber casement and six-over-six pane, two-over-two pane and three-over-six pane windows to rear. Elliptical-headed door opening with timber panelled door set in carved timber doorcase having panelled with consoles, moulded and cornice, and spoked fanlight, and approached by flight of stone steps with decorative cast-iron railings. Square-headed door opening to east elevation of return, with cut limestone threshold and glazed timber double-leaf door with toplights. Detached multiple-bay two-storey outbuilding to yard to rear, having pitched corrugated-iron roof, roughcast rendered walls, and square-headed openings with timber fittings, and elliptical-headed carriage arch with timber battened double-door. Rendered piers and curved flanking walls to road entrance.


The low villa-style front elevation of this house hides a substantial building of some complexity to the rear. The symmetry of the façade is enhanced by paired chimneystacks, and the horizontal emphasis is counterpointed by the vertical windows and the flight of steps. It is set in a mature landscape and is enhanced by outbuildings to the rear.