Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1750 - 1790


176088, 196935

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached L-plan three-bay, two-storey house, built c.1770, with two-bay side elevations, and having L-plan arrangement of single-storey lean-to ancillary additions to rear re-entrant corner. Hipped slate roofs with paired centrally placed rendered chimneystacks with limestone cappings. Roughcast rendered walls. Square-headed window openings with tooled limestone sills and timber sliding sash windows, twelve-over-eight pane to ground floor and six-over-six pane to first floor. Round-headed stair window to north elevation of return, with nine-over at least six-pane timber sliding sash window with spoked fanlight. Round-headed tooled limestone block-and-start doorcase with square-headed replacement timber panelled door, moulded lintel, and cobweb fanlight. Square-headed timber battened door to taller addition, with concrete step. Multiple-bay, single-storey outbuildings with pitched slate roofs continuing line of lower house lean-tos, having roughcast rendered walls, square-headed timber battened doors and one building having segmental-arch vehicular entrance, ranged around east, south and west sides of yard to west of house. Square-plan dressed limestone piers with cut-stone plinths and caps to road entrance, with cut limestone wheelguards and recent double-leaf metal gates, and flanked by square-headed pedestrian entrances having dressed limestone lintels and recent timber battened doors, set to roughcast rendered flanking walls with roughly dressing coping stones.


It is an excellent example of the classically proportioned farmhouse, a form typical of the late eighteenth century, with regular window openings and a fine block-and-start doorcase. The house retains many of its early and original features including its timber sash windows and slate roof. The gateway at the road aptly announces the presence of this proudly maintained house, set in mature farmland and enhanced and given context by the range of modest but well kept outbuildings.