Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Historical, Social

Original Use


In Use As



1810 - 1845


198133, 297484

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached cruciform Roman Catholic church, built in 1812 as a private chapel and enlarged in 1843. Half-octagonal chancel at west end. Pitched slate roof with rendered bellcote to east and cast-iron rainwater goods. Pebbledashed walls with tooled limestone quoins and limestone eaves course. Tudor-arched door opening to north elevation with chamfered limestone surround and date plaque above. Flat-headed doorway in south wall of west end. Pointed-arched window openings with limestone surrounds, sills and replacement stained glass windows. Single-storey flart-roofed extension to east end.


This mid-nineteenth century church is located at the centre of Jamestown's main street and is a focal point. Its chancel, which faces onto the street, adds interest to the streetscape. Though altered from its original appearance, the church retains many of the features such as window and door openings, which contribute to its architectural significance. The church was built by Hugh and Francis O'Beirne, members of the O'Beirne family from Jamestown House. The building is aligned east-west but the chancel is unusually at the west end.