Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social, Technical

Original Use

Railway station

In Use As

Railway station


1855 - 1865


168002, 279180

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached single-storey railway station, built c.1860 by the Great Southern Railways as part of the Sligo-Westport line. Five bays to front and seven bays to platform side. Advanced gable-fronted entrance bay. Hipped slate roof with cast-iron rainwater goods and red brick chimneystacks. Coursed cut limestone walls with tooled stone cornice. String course to entrance gable. Replacement timber windows set into chamfered tooled limestone surrounds. Segmental-arched chamfered tooled limestone door surround with timber double door and overlight, panelled to front and panelled and glazed to platform. Canopy to platform with clear corrigtaed plastic covering supported on cast-iron brackets. Station bounded by random coursed wall with limestone coping. Cut stone piers with chamfered corners, pyramidal caps and timber gates.


Castlerea Railway Station was built to serve the Great Southern Railways and forms part of a large railway complex, situated to the south-east of the town. It stands as a fine example of nineteenth-century railway architecture. High quality craftsmanship is apparent in the dressings and detailing of the masonry employed, while the attractive cast-iron brackets add an artistic interest to this building.