Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1820 - 1860


241969, 304679

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay three-storey house, built c.1840, with shopfront c.1900, substantially renovated c.1990. Pitched roof with uPVC rainwater goods. Smooth ruled-and-lined rendered walls to first and second floors with raised rendered quoins. Square-headed openings with double-glazed two-over-two sliding sash windows. Timber shopfront enclosing single-pane display window over panelled stall riser and two entrances, door to shop with single-pane fixed overlight, entrance to the upstairs having four-panelled door and overlight with margin panes. Both doors flanked by simple pilasters supporting a plain fascia with plain scrolled end brackets.


A well proportioned mid-nineteenth century townhouse forming one of a striking pair which contribute to the historic character of Bridge Street by its balanced ordered design and height distinguishing it from other terraced houses on the street. The survival of a later shopfront shows the layers of development in the history of the retail premises in the town. The shopfront of simple design retains good detailing and demonstrates the former dual of many urban buildings in the past, with retail at ground floor level and living accommodation above, which was the norm in provincial towns into the twentieth century.