Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
Historical Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1850 - 1890
227500, 297109
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced five-bay two-storey house and shop, built c.1870, with shopfront to ground floor and integral carriage-arch to north bay, two-storey return to rear. Pitched replacement slate roof, red brick chimneystacks to gables and ridge having plat bands and projecting bands with decorative corbels, moulded corbels at eaves, replacement rainwater goods. Smooth rendered walls, channelled to ground floor and having raised rendered plinth. Raised render quoins to south and painted quoins to north. Window openings to first floor having moulded render surrounds and stone sills supported on corbels. Channelled keystone above ground floor window. Replacement uPVC windows. Channelled voussoir above segmental-headed carriage arch. Round-headed door opening with moulded profile having freestanding barley-sugar twisted columns with Ionic capitals and stepped bases, supporting dentilated entablature and single pane fanlight. Timber door incorporating bolection panels, limestone threshold. Timber shopfront comprising central glazed door flanked by single pane display windows, segmental timber arches to transom lights above and panelled stall riser below. Fluted pilasters with carved console brackets supporting round-headed fascia-ends, dentilated course over recent fascia sign.
A well composed building, comfortably accommodating both residential and commercial use, a mixed use type that was once characteristic of urban areas, but is now sadly increasingly rare. Its detailing is similar to the adjoining two buildings to the north thereby suggesting a shared provenance. The façade is embellished by fine stuccowork including moulded window surrounds. The doorcase is amongst the finest along Main Street and is particularly eyecatching. The elegant shopfront is of design interest and displays fine craftsmanship. The building makes a notable and positive contribution to the varied collection of buildings along the street, and adds to the town's historic character.