Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social

Original Use

Farm house

In Use As



1780 - 1820


239736, 317070

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached five-bay single-storey direct-entry vernacular house, built c.1800, with off-centre windbreak entrance, single-storey extension to rear. Hipped thatched roof of local water reed, ridge finished with scallop stretchers, brick chimneystack. Replacement render to walls. uPVC windows in widened openings with patent reveals and concrete sills. Entrance projection with concrete roof and uPVC door. Outbuilding with pitched corrugated metal roof and rendered walls to south-east.


A rare example of a thatched house, set in a rural area on the former Belturbet to Redhills road, with Saint Patrick's Catholic Church opposite to the north-east, it was once one of a cluster of buildings on the roadside near the church. A new road bypasses the house close to the north, leaving the old road as a lay-by ending at the house. The house and outbuildings of a traditional dwelling type, once found throughout the county but now sadly increasingly rare. The house demonstrates traditional reed roof thatching technique which was characteristic of the lakeland counties. It makes a strong contribution to the traditional character of its rural setting and to the county at large.