Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social, Technical

Original Use

Mill (water)


1830 - 1870


256935, 290039

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey flax mill, built c.1850, now disused. Replacement corrugated roof, c.2000, with collapsed remains of roof timbers and slate to interior. Coursed random rubble stone walls with red-brick course at eaves level. Windowless openings to first floor of southern, western and eastern elevations, to ground floor of southern elevation, door opening to eastern gable, pair of blocked openings to northern elevation. Door opening to first floor party wall, battered western wall containing remains of iron mill wheel.


A simple mill building retaining its mill wheel and original perimeter walls, that forms part of an important group of industrial heritage structures in the area. The flax mill was constructed downstream of a corn mill and kiln to the west which were associated with Lurgan Lodge. These were demolished by the time of second edition Ordnance Survey map of c.1910. The workings of the mill race and mill pond were re-used and a sluice constructed to the north of the new mill. The change from corn to flax also reflects the importance of flax in the Virginia area from the early to mid-nineteenth century. While substantially overgrown, attempts have been made to protect the mill from further deterioration by the erection of a corrugated roof. The mill remains an important contributor to the industrial heritage of the area.