Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Technical
Original Use
In Use As
1780 - 1820
251891, 446190
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Four-arch road bridge over Gleneely River, built c. 1800, with fifth dry-arch. Round and segmental arches with squared rubble stone voussoirs. Random rubble to vaults. Random rubble walls with heavy pointing. Random rubble triangular cutwaters. Random rubble walls to parapets with rendered coping. Double carriageway with tarmac to deck.
A particularly elegant structure, tasteful in its design and complementary to its rural setting. This fine bridge, which gracefully spans the Gleneely River is the largest of a group of bridges in the area of similar design including Moglass Bridge (40901229), Milltown Bridge (40901217), and Ballintroohan Bridge (40901221) Drumnagassan Bridge (40901237). The bridge is marked and named on the Ordnance Survey first edition six-inch map of c. 1837. A handsome structure serving both a practical purpose and constituting an attractive and historic element of Donegal’s built heritage.