Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Technical
Original Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Public house
1920 - 1940
250057, 326069
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay three-storey house over public house, built c.1930, having shopfront, and with two-storey, full-width lean-to extension to rear. Flat roof concealed behind brick parapets having regularly spaced projecting square piers, acting as merlons and cross-shaped piercings between them. Roof access lobby to rear. Parapet gutter drains into replacement uPVC rainwater goods at rear. Painted, smooth rendered walls with reinforced concrete piers. Smooth render string course between upper floors. Square-headed window openings to upper floors with replacement uPVC frames, rolled steel lintels and moulded concrete sills with evidence of former mullions originally separating two lights on wider windows to end bays. Tiled and richly glazed shopfront within recessed opening, having plastic fascia with name, central recessed partially glazed double-leaf timber doors flanked by display windows framed with fine turned timber colonettes and rounded timber rails on low painted brick stall risers. Leaded stained-glass upper windows surmount doors and display windows with depictions of local scenery and historic monuments with a glazed banner slogan reading: 'Shop at the Tower/Everything is cheaper'. Reveals of shopfront recess decorated with glazed tiles featuring illustrations and banners reading 'Tower tea no other for me' and 'Tower retreat for tired feet'. Plain clay tiles to floor within recessed shopfront which fronts directly onto Fermanagh Street. Square-headed replacement timber door leading to upper floors.
This tall building is notable for its very fine Art Nouveau shopfront which retains good period tiling and pictorial glass depicting early examples of Gaelic Revival themes, including the drumlin landscape, round tower and megalithic tomb from the locality.