Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1840 - 1860
255446, 325286
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached five-bay single-storey house, built c.1850, with attic also in use as shop. Pitched replacement slate roof with red brick chimneystacks, clay ridge tiles, timber bargeboards, and replacement rainwater goods. Harl-rendered walls. Square-headed window openings to front, having two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows, painted render reveals and painted sills. Square-headed window opening to shopfront, with fixed four-pane timber display window, render reveal and sill. Square-headed timber casement attic window to south-west gable. Square-headed door opening to front, having timber battened door and stone step. Square-headed door opening to shop having double-leaf timber panelled door with stone step, with double-leaf half-glazed timber panelled doors to interior of porch. Rendered walls to interior, with cast-iron fireplace, timber shelving and timber counter. Two-stage gable-fronted outbuilding to rear, having pitched slate roof, random rubble stone walls and square-headed window and door openings.
This building retains both its original form and function, one of few remaining examples of this in Ireland. It is prominently sited at a central junction in the village of Killeevan, and remains of social importance in the locality. Although it has lost its original thatched roof, many salient features are maintained, including timber sliding sash windows and the original informal shopfront, as well as, most notably, the interior shop. It makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and forms a significant component in Ireland’s vernacular architectural heritage.