Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Technical
Original Use
Lime kiln
1780 - 1820
280315, 299518
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Square-plan lime kiln, built c.1800, built into bank, recently restored and rebuilt. Roughly dressed stone walls, some dressed snecked new stonework with castellated parapet. Round arch with rusticated voussoirs and keystone to fire opening, rubble stone to soffit. Situated close to crossroads.
This restored lime kiln is an industrial feature of technical interest, originally built to supply lime for construction. Lime kilns are notable structures of industrial archaeology and represent the material culture and technology of previous generations within the area. The recent restoration differentiates the old from the new stonework. It has a strong local presence due to its siting adjacent to the busy R179 (Carrickmacross-Kingscourt) road.