Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Historical Use
Train shed
1830 - 1870
317452, 234495
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached eleven-bay three-storey stone former warehouse, built c.1850, with central pedimented loading bay. Pitched sheet-iron roof, inserted c.2005, overlapped on all elevations with replacement metal rainwater goods and granite kneeler stones to gables. Random rubble calp limestone walls with roughly-hewn squared limestone quoins to all corners. Gauged brown brick round-arch window openings with block-and-start brick reveals and granite sills. Central loading bay openings, as per window openings dropped to floor level with oculus to gable formed in splayed brown brick with timber support below. Gauged brown brick door and window openings to ground floor, now blocked up with some later alterations. Eleven-bay rear elevation as per front elevation with partial cast-iron downpipes feeding into carved stone troughs. North side gable abutted by lean-to red brick structure connecting to former railway station (50010012).
This rubble stone industrial building is locally known as "The Wool Store". Originally built as a port facility, the building was later incorporated into the North Wall Railway Station which abuts its the south elevation. The railway company used the ground floor as stables. It is a simple rubble calp building with a central pediment and a rhythmic fenestration pattern. The oculus and central loading bay reveal its industrial history and, although disused, the building has been secured and adds to this charming collection of nineteenth-century structures on this small cul-de-sac constituting the best group of historic buildings remaining east of George's Dock.