Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1820 - 1840


316850, 235491

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay two-storey house over raised basement, built c.1830. One of group of eight. Pitched slate roof with red brick chimneystacks behind brick parapet with granite coping and replacement hopper and downpipe. Flemish bond brown brick walls, with stone plinth course over rendered to basement area. Square-headed window opening with gauged brick voussoirs, patent rendered reveals, stone sills and replacement windows. Round-headed door opening with stone surround and doorcase comprising replacement red brick piers supporting stepped stone cornice and plain frieze with single-pane fanlight. Replacement timber panelled door opening onto granite flagged platform with cast-iron bootscraper and stepped granite approach bridging basement area. Approach, shared with neighbour, flanked by wrought-iron railing on moulded granite plinth having cast-iron corner posts with urn finials. Basement area bounded by granite plinth surmounted by wrought-iron railings with spike finials. Site is street-fronted with cast-iron coal hole cover in granite setting to concrete footpath.


This finely proportioned building maintains the strong street line and proportions of this part of Charleville Mall. It is an integral component of the streetscape and this Georgian terrace occupies a notable site facing the Royal Canal. The terrace originally comprised thirteen houses, but after the bombing of the North Strand in 1941 some of the houses were so badly damaged that demolition was required.