Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social

Previous Name

The Isaac Butt

Original Use

Public house

In Use As

Public house


1880 - 1900


316395, 234741

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Corner-sited three-bay three-storey brick building, built c.1890, with two-bay side elevation and replacement timber pub shopfront spanning both elevations. M-profile slate roof, hipped to south with profiled red brick chimneystacks rising from north gable having clay pots. Roof behind parapet wall with granite coping and cast-iron hopper and downpipe breaking through to north end. Red brick walls laid in Flemish bond with bowtell moulding to both corners. Rendered walls to rear elevation. Gauged brick flat-arched window openings with single-pane timber sliding sash windows and painted masonry sills. Replacement timber shopfront with canted corner entrance having iron column and double-leaf timber glazed doors. Recent two-storey rendered abutting rear.


This corner pub remains one of the few nineteenth-century buildings on Store Street and retains its original appearance to the upper floors. The modest scale, with its double gable standing adjacent to the stone railway bridge, forms an appealing composition and adds to the variety of building types lining the recently-formed plaza on Store Street.