Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1810 - 1830
315400, 234311
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay five-storey house, built c.1820, now in commercial use, with shopfront to ground floor and residential units above. Pitched roof, hipped to front, concealed behind parapet wall having granite coping. Rectangular plan red brick chimneystack abuts to north. Cast-iron rainwater goods recessed on party wall to south. Rendered walls to upper floors with red brick pilaster below parapet level to north wall, recent timber shopfront to ground floor. Square-headed window openings with flush reveals and granite sills to upper floors, having two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows. Steel roller security cover to shopfront, with square-headed door opening to south having recent timber panelled door accessing upper floor flats.
This elegant house contributes to the historic streetscape that frames the important vista from Capel Street to City Hall. Capel Street was laid out by Humphrey Jervis in the seventeenth century. Originally a fashionable residential street, it became largely commercialized around 1800 and this structure dates to around this time. The building’s façade is enlivened by the timber sash windows and granite sills, which add interest and a patina of age to the classical fenestration layout.