Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1710 - 1760
315394, 234332
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay four-storey house, built c.1735, now in use as shop with accommodation over, having recent shopfront. L-plan pitched roof partially concealed by red brick parapet with squared granite coping. Rendered chimneystack to north party wall, no visible rainwater goods. Red brick walls laid in Flemish bond, front (west) elevation rebuilt from second floor window head level upwards. Diminishing gauged brick flat-arch window openings with brick reveals, granite sills and replacement uPVC windows. Square-headed door opening to side (south) of shopfront granting access to upper floors.
Located within a long terrace of similarly scaled houses this pleasant, now commercial property, makes a pleasant addition to the important historic streetscape of Capel Street. Capel Street was laid out by Humphrey Jervis to link the new Essex Bridge (now Grattan Bridge) (1678) to the Great North Road. Originally a fashionable residential street of townhouses it became largely commercialized around 1800. It frames an important vista to the south on axis with City Hall.