Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1820 - 1840
316638, 235565
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay two-storey house over exposed basement, built c.1830. Pitched slate roof with red brick parapet wall with squared granite coping. Shared brick chimneystacks to gables with clay pots and replacement rainwater goods. Red brick walls laid in Flemish bond with chamfered granite plinth over rendered basement. Gauged brick flat-arch window openings with rendered reveals, painted granite sills and replacement uPVC windows throughout. Round-headed door opening with red brick surround with gauged voussoirs, rendered reveal and replacement timber doorcase, door and sidelights. Door opens onto rendered platform, bridging basement area, with cast-iron bootscraper and granite stepped approach. Cast-iron coal hole cover set in granite slab. Basement area enclosed by granite plinth with original wrought-iron railings returning to approach and having cast-iron urn finial to corner post.
Located within a terrace of thirteen early nineteenth-century houses, this pleasant house of modest Georgian proportions forms an integral component of the north side of Summerhill Parade. The house has lost its original door and window frames but retains its granite steps and boundary plinth and railings and contributes to the architectural character of this terrace at the northeast limits of Georgian Dublin.