Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social
Previous Name
Mountjoy Metropolitan Police Station
Original Use
Garda station/constabulary barracks
In Use As
Garda station/constabulary barracks
1880 - 1920
315437, 235852
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached three-bay three-storey police station over raised basement, built c.1900. with lower single- and two-storey range with gabled end bays to west end. Now in use as Garda station Flat roof hidden behind brick parapet with concrete coping, stepped red brick chimneystacks with clay pots and cast-iron rainwater goods. Pitched slate roof with louvered lanterns to west end. Red brick walls laid in English Garden Wall bond with moulded brick string courses and dentillated cornice with granite plinth course over red brick walls to basement. Square-headed openings with red brick voussoirs and reveals and granite sills to basement. Segmental-headed window openings having bull-nosed brick voussoirs and reveals, granite sills and brick aprons to ground and first floor. Segmental-headed window openings with red brick voussoirs and reveals, granite sills to second floor. All with one-over-one pane timber sliding sash windows. Segmental-headed porch opening with bull-nosed brick surround with granite keystone, granite kneeler stones and pediment. Recessed square-headed opening with timber panelled door and plain glass sidelights and overlight. Granite platform and granite steps with cast-iron handrail. Cast-iron railings on moulded granite plinth to basement area to front.
The former Metropolitan police station was constructed in the latter part of the nineteenth century and following the foundation of the Garda Síochána in 1922 was transferred to their ownership. An imposing building, the brick façade is enlivened by the addition of the brick string course and eaves course and pedimented doorcase. The roof line is punctuated by the brick chimneystacks, pedimented gables and lanterns.