Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Social, Technical
Previous Name
Royal Canal
Original Use
Canal (section of)
In Use As
1925 - 1935
315121, 235704
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Linear park, laid out c.1930 on infilled Broadstone Branch of Royal Canal. Lawned areas with mature trees and tarmac pathways. Mild steel railings on concrete plinth. Rubble limestone wall with ashlar limestone gate piers to southeast.
This park was developed in the 1930s to provide a safe play for the children of the area. The park was funded by the Carnegie Trust and opened by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Alfie Byrne TD. The park, along with the nearby public library and memorial statue, was set out on what had been the Broadstone branch of the Royal Canal and preserves its line between Blacquiere Bridge and Dominick Street Upper.