Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Apartment/flat (converted)
1700 - 1750
315323, 234622
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay four-storey former house, built c.1725 and refaced c.1900, with shopfront to ground floor and apartments above. Roof concealed behind raised brick parapet with masonry coping. Replacement uPVC rainwater goods. Red brick walling laid to English bond to upper floors. Diminishing square-headed window openings with brick voussoirs, plain reveals and granite sills, with concrete sills to third floor, and having replacement uPVC windows throughout. Shopfront modern, although with signs of historic panelled pilasters. Separate door leading to flats, having replacement door with panelled reveals.
Dublin Civic Trust's, 'Survey of Gable-Fronted and Other Early Buildings of Dublin'(2012), states 'The Victorian tenement-like appearance of this building conceals a substantial former townhouse of probable early eighteenth-century date. This is evidenced by the scale of the building which correlates with the house on Rocque’s map of 1756, as well as the survival of an apparent closet return - although this does not match Rocque’s depiction.' It contributes to the Capel Street ACA, which contains several early buildings of significance, now obscured by subsequent rebuilding.