Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Building misc
1830 - 1850
316134, 234554
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay four-storey brick former house, built c.1840, with recent shopfront to ground floor. Now in use as commercial premises. Roof not visible behind parapets, with yellow brick Flemish bonded walling to upper floors, and having concrete parapet coping. Square-headed window openings to upper floors, diminishing in height, with stone sills, brick flat arches, and painted smooth render reveals. Timber one-over-one pane sliding sash windows to first and second floors, and modern aluminium casement windows to top floor. Cast in situ concrete outbuildings to rear (south) built c.1910.
A good example of standard Dublin terraced housing dating from the late Georgian or early Victorian period, this former house is the best preserved of a group of three, retaining original brick facing and mainly timber sash windows. It forms part of a short terrace standing between the nineteenth-century Presbyterian church and hall on one side and the twentieth-century Abbey Theatre on the other, the whole group constituting an interesting historical sequence of buildings making a valuable contribution to the street's historic character.