Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1790 - 1810
315526, 235336
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay four-storey former house, built c.1800, with replacement shopfront to ground floor and small two-storey, flat-roof return to rear. Upper floors appear vacant. Hipped slate roof, with angled terracotta ridge and hip-tiles, and solid parapet to north and west with concrete coping. Smooth rendered chimneystack to north party wall, with clay pots. Half-round cast-iron rainwater goods to rear, with cast-iron hopper. Walling is replacement yellow/brown composite brick laid to stretcher bond, and rear walls are ruled and lined rendered. Square-headed window openings, with generally concrete sills, having brick soldier course over and cement rendered and painted reveals to east. Windows are sliding timber sashes with horns, one-over-one pane to east, generally two-over-two pane to rear, with modern timber casement to return. Shopfront has vinyl signage, deep projecting fascia, mosaic-tiled walls and metal-framed windows behind metal roller shutter. Doors are modern replacements, glazed to shop and flush timber, with plain over-light to flats. Street-fronted on Dorset Street Upper, building abutted to south by terraces of similar scale and proportions. Higher, recently built red brick apartments to north. Yard to rear enclosed by modern concrete walls.
The regular form and scale of this late eighteenth-century Georgian townhouse are characteristic of urban domestic architecture from the period. Overall integrity has been affected by the modern re-modelling of the shopfront and the rebuilding of the main façade, using composite machine-made yellow bricks. However, in conjunction with the wider terrace to the south, which comprises buildings of similar proportions and period, the building makes an imporant contribution to the townscape.