Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Previous Name


Original Use


Historical Use

Shop/retail outlet


1840 - 1880


314570, 234329

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced three-bay three-storey house, built c.1860, having shopfront to ground floor. Now disused. Hipped slate roof set perpendicular to street, with shared red brick chimneystacks. Red brick parapet wall having dressed granite coping. Cast-iron rainwater goods. Red brick laid in Flemish bond to walls. Segmental-arched window openings, with red brick voussoirs, granite sills and one-over-one pane timber sash windows. Shopfront comprising panelled timber pilasters supporting panelled consoles, fascia and cornice over square-headed door and window openings having steel shutters, rendered risers to window openings. Square-headed door opening with timber panelled door and louvered vent over.


This building maintains the parapet height and fenestration arrangement of its neighbouring buildings, contributing positively to the horizontal aspect of the streetscape. It is characterised by an absence of superfluous ornament but its architectural design can be seen in the decreasing scale of fenestration, enhanced by the retention of early fabric including structural brickwork. Although it has been somewhat altered, the shopfront to the ground floor provides both visual and contextual interest to the building.