Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social

Original Use


In Use As



1840 - 1880


314529, 234304

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay three-storey former house, built c.1860, having recent shopfront to front (south) elevation. Now in use as offices. Pitched slate roof with shared red brick chimneystacks and clay ridge tiles, rebuilt red brick parapet wall having granite coping. Cast-iron rainwater goods to façade. Red brick laid in Flemish bond to walls. Segmental-arched window openings with dressed granite sills and one-over-one pane timber sash windows. Shopfront comprising timber pilasters supporting timber fascia over square-headed openings with glazed doors and windows.


Forming part of a pair, sharing parapet height and fenestration arrangement with its neighbour to the east, this building makes a positive impression to a heterogeneous but pleasing terraced composition on Ellis Quay. Notably, it retains salient features and early fabric, which adds a patina of age to the building. The segmental window heads enliven the façade, and the Flemish bond with its alternating headers and stretchers is typical of structural brickwork in nineteenth-century Dublin, but rarely used in modern cladding construction. Despite the addition of a recent shopfront, the architectural and aesthetic quality of the building can be discerned, and it creates a symmetrical feature with its neighbour to the east.