Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Historical, Social
Previous Name
Richmond District Lunatic Asylum Female House
Original Use
In Use As
1860 - 1880
314595, 235218
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached complex-plan two-storey multiple-bay hospital building, built c.1870, remodelled 1898, having cruciform-plan block to east, with gabled breakfronts to side elevations of south wing, and canted apsidal ends to projecting blocks from south elevation of east and west wings. Block attached to north elevation of west wing, this having two-bay returns to north elevation, and three-bay two-storey box bay window to west gable. Recent extensions to front (north) and rear (south) elevations of both blocks. Gabled breakfronts to front and rear elevations. Pitched slate roofs, terracotta ridge tiles, limestone coping, limestone chimneystacks. Snecked calp limestone walls, block-and-start quoins, plinth course having carved calp capping. Oculus to apex of west elevation with chamfered surround and quatrefoil motif. Square-headed and segmental-headed window openings, some in threes and with cut stone mullions, chamfered block-and-start surrounds and sills, replacement uPVC windows. Some windows to front having chamfered red brick surrounds and voussoirs. Tudor arch door openings, chamfered limestone surround, timber panelled and battened doors with sidelights and overlight.
This ‘female house’ of Saint Brendan’s Hospital was constructed to the north of the pair of infirmaries and church on the west side of Grangegorman Lower, and remodelled by W.H. Byrne in 1898. A somewhat late addition to the buildings of the hospital, it is emblematic of the ongoing development of the hospital complex, and its form and fabric are similar to those employed in the earlier buildings, creating an element of uniformity across the extensive complex, which displays a wealth of quality building skills and expresses the architectural style of the time.