Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1820 - 1860
315133, 233456
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terrace of three two-bay three-storey former houses, built c.1840, renovated and extended to rear (east) c.2005. Now in use as shop and apartments. M-profile pitched slate roofs with yellow brick chimneystacks behind parapet wall with granite coping. Yellow brick walls laid in Flemish bond, upper portion refaced in English garden wall bond. Square-headed window openings with rendered reveals, granite sills and single-pane timber sash windows. Recent shopfront to front (west) elevation. Retains some interior window shutters.
This group of houses is a rare early nineteenth-century survivor in Patrick Street as the street was subject to significant clearance and redevelopment by the Iveagh Trust in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It provides an attractive termination to the view east along the Coombe. The yellow brick façade adds colour and textural interest to the streetscape, contrasting with the predominantly stone buildings in the vicinity of Saint Patrick's Cathedral. The houses were occupied in the mid nineteenth century by a corn chandler, a tallow chandler and an ironmonger.