Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1825 - 1835


316141, 233699

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Attached two-bay four-storey former house, built c. 1830 as middle of terrace of three (Nos. 36-38), with shopfront to ground floor, and later two-storey brick return to rear. Now in commercial use. M-profile pitched slate roof, with rebuilt red brick parapet having masonry coping, parapet gutters, brick chimneystacks to party walls, that to west rebuilt in machined brick, and rendered chimneystack to east end of rear elevation shared with No. 36. Flemish bond brick walls. Square-headed window openings, diminishing in height to upper floors, with rendered reveals, painted masonry sills, brick voussoirs, and timber sliding sash windows with horns, six-over-six pane to middle floors and three-over-six pane to top floor. Shopfront shared with adjoining building to west and having square-headed openings, painted masonry pilasters, plain fascia with projecting cornice, Regency-style multiple-pane glazing to central display window with running oval motif to transom, and panelled stall-riser. Square-headed door openings to each end of shopfront with moulded cornice, decorative oval transom, six-panel timber door to west having beaded muntin, and timber panelled and glazed door to east.


An early nineteenth-century house characterized by a well-balanced fenestration pattern typical of the period and enhanced by a good Regency-style shopfront and decorative transoms. This street was laid out by John, second Viscount Molesworth, and his brother Robert in the 1720s and remained one of the most complete early Georgian streets in Dublin until the mid-twentieth century. Nos. 36-38 were rebuilt about 1830 as a cohesive row. Although having recent pointing and with the basement area enclosed, this building has retained much of its original character. The attractive shopfront, shared with the adjoining building to the west, enhances the street frontage and provides stylistic interplay between the two buildings. No. 37 contributes to the historic architectural character and variety of Molesworth Street.