Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Artistic, Social, Technical

Original Use

Post box

In Use As

Post box


1925 - 1945


318072, 236747

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Freestanding round-plan cast-iron pillar postbox, erected c. 1935, with shallow domed cap having fluted frieze, moulded neck, and plinth base, raised insignia of P&T (Poist agus Teileagrafa) to front (south) face, moulded neck and dentillated frieze to cap, and maker's mark to body to rear. Set at east side of Malahide Road, opposite east end of Griffith Avenue.


This attractive piece of street furniture illustrates the high quality of mass-produced cast-ironwork created in the early years of the twentieth century. The insignia, representing the national postal service, provides subtle artistic as well as contextual interest. It dates the box to the early years of the Irish Republic, the raised Celtic script lettering being representative of that used by the government for many official purposes. This postbox constitutes a working, functional component of Dublin's heritage, adding to the overall character of the streetscape.