Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Historical Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Public house
1730 - 1920
315693, 233708
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1750, refaced and having replacement shopfront. Now in use as bar and restaurant. Flat roof, having stepped buff brick chimneystack with replacement clay pots to east party wall, concealed behind brick parapet with masonry coping. Machine-made red brick walling of c. 1910, laid in English garden wall bond. Square-headed window openings with angled brick sills, brick voussoirs and replacement uPVC windows. Access to upper floors to west end of facade. Internally remodelled to interlink with Nos. 41-42 to west. Forms part of group of similarly styled and dated buildings.
No. 40 is thought to have mid-eighteenth-century origins, evident from the stepped chimneystack to the centre of the eastern party wall, but it is unclear if any corner fireplaces survive internally. Refaced in the early twentieth century and with a later shopfront inserted across ground floor, the original character has been further eroded in recent decades with the insertion of a flat roof and replacement uPVC windows. Despite successive changes, the building retains the Georgian domestic plot size, massing and chimneystack and, as part of a stretch of similarly dated buildings, it continues to make a contribution to the varied character of this historic streetscape.