Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1900 - 1920
315714, 233696
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Corner-sited three-bay three-storey commercial building over concealed basement, built c. 1910, having canted-bay to southeast corner, single-bay east elevation to South William Street, and with wraparound recent timber shopfront. formerly having residential accommodation above. Now in commercial use as pharmacy, with clinic on upper floors. Flat roof, concealed behind brick parapet with lined masonry coping. Refaced buff brick walling, laid in Flemish bond, and with unpainted render to rear elevation. Square-headed window openings with projecting painted masonry sills, machine-made red brick voussoirs and surrounds and six-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows with ogee horns. Steel trapdoor enclosing basement to east. Set back from adjoining building to north.
Located on a prominent corner site at a junction, No. 38 pleasantly bookends a row of mid-eighteenth-century houses to the west. The site was noted as a chandler’s shop in the Street Directories of 1862 and 1918 (a wax and tallow chandler in 1862). The current building is well proportioned and retains timber sash windows, enhancing its architectural heritage quality and contributing to the historic streetscape.