Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1730 - 1750


315744, 233711

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Corner-sited attached two-bay four-storey over concealed basement former townhouse, built c. 1740, with closet return. Shopfront inserted to ground floor and now in use as restaurant with apartments over. Hipped artificial slate roof with ridge running perpendicular to street and hidden behind front parapet wall with masonry coping. Large rendered chimneystack with clay pots to north party wall at centre of plan. Rendered walls. Square-headed window openings with patent rendered reveals, masonry sills and original timber sash windows with convex horns; three-over-three to third floor with continuous sill course, six-over-six to remainder. Rendered shopfront spans front and side elevations with full-span timber windows, corner entrance and timber fascia panels. Located at junction of William Street South and Chatham Street with shopfront opening directly onto streets.


A former townhouse of early origin, evident in the closet return and large chimneystack at the centre of plan indicating corner fireplaces. It retains some characteristics of an early eighteenth-century townhouse, and was possibly formerly gabled and altered in the early nineteenth-century. One of the earliest houses on the street, it neatly terminates the terrace lining the east side of the street and makes a marked contribution to the overall historic appearance of the streetscape.