Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1800 - 1820


316717, 233189

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced three-bay four-storey former townhouse, built c. 1810, L-plan with extensive two-storey recent extension abutting to rear (south). Now in commercial use with offices above. Pitched roof concealed behind brick parapet with granite coping, two brick chimneystacks to rear (south) elevation, running parallel with street having clay pots, concealed gutters with replacement downpipes breaking through to east and west of principal elevation, uPVC rainwater goods to rear. Buff brick walls laid to Flemish bond, English garden wall bond to rear elevation. Square-headed window openings with projecting masonry sills, rendered reveals and brick voussoirs, openings diminishing to upper floors; largely one-over-one replacement timber sliding sash windows with horns, three-over-three top-hung modern timber casements to third floor. Round-headed central opening to upper floor rear, over oculus. Decorative cast-iron balconettes to first floor openings of principal elevation. Central door opening to ground floor, with retail units to outer bays; that to west extends into neighbouring building, No. 112 (50930160). Timber panelled central door featuring dentilled cornice and plain glass overlight, framed by fluted masonry pilasters, on plinth stops with pearl moulding to west pilaster, rising to fluted console brackets topped with pediments, extending over panelled timber fascia with raised lettering ‘111’ and cornice. Square-headed ground floor openings with recent traditional-style shop display windows, timber fascia and cornice, with raised lettering. Street-fronted on the south-side of Baggot Street Lower.


This building has been successively altered, resulting in some loss of historic fabric and detailing, particularly on the ground floor. However, the materials, massing and proportions contribute to the strong architectural continuity which remains on the south-side of Baggot Street Lower. Forming part of a largely cohesive terrace, the streetscape is characterised by similar terraced groups, however the subtle discrepancies between each is indicative of the speculative nature of development within the street. Baggot Street, as it became known in 1773, is an ancient route from the city which was named after the manor granted to Robert Bagod in the thirteenth-century, called Baggotrath. Developed on Fitzwilliam’s land during the late-eighteenth century, construction of the street progressed slowly due to the economic recession of the 1790s; the area to the west of Fitzwilliam Street was built by the late 1790s but development to the east was more gradual with gaps remaining until the mid-nineteenth century.