Nuacht agus Imeachtaí - Buildings of Ireland

Nuacht agus Imeachtaí

Sheol Malcolm Noonan TD, an tAire Stáit don Dúlra, Oidhreachta agus Athchóirithe Toghcháin, an Scéim Infheistíochta don Oidhreacht Thógtha (BHIS) agus Ciste na Struchtúr Stairiúil (HSF) don bhliain 2024.  Cabhróidh an maoiniú iomlán de €9milliún trasna an dá scéim le húinéirí struchtúir chosanta a gcuid réadmhaoine a dheisiú faoi stiúir caomhnaithe. Áireoidh BHIS 2024 maoiniú

Malcolm Noonan TD, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, has launched the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) and Historic Structures Fund (HSF) for 2024.  The total funding of €9million across both schemes will assist owners of protected structures in the conservation-led repair of their properties. The BHIS 2024 will include ring-fenced funding

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has announced a pilot conservation advice grant scheme for owners of vacant traditional farmhouses availing of or considering availing of the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant. Traditional farmhouses, or vernacular farmhouses, are a key part of our historic rural landscape.  They are informal in character, planned and constructed

The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage is partnering with the Irish Georgian Society on the Appreciating and Minding our Vernacular Architecture Study Day being held on Tuesday 27th June 2023. An exciting line-up of speakers will examine the history of our vernacular architectural heritage and give presentations on traditional building materials and techniques.  The talks

An úinéir tí thraidisiúnta tú?  An bhfuil tú ag smaoineamh ar bheith i d’úinéir ar theach traidisiúnta, stairiúil?  Táimid ag iarraidh cloisteáil uait! Ba bhreá leis an Roinn Tithíochta, Rialtais Áitiúil agus Oidhreachta agus Fardal Náisiúnta na hOidhreachta Ailtireachta do chuid smaointe a fháil faoi na buntáistí agus na míbhuntáistí a bhaineann le húinéir tí

Are you the owner of a traditional house?  Are you considering becoming the owner of an historic, traditional home?  We want to hear from you! The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage would love to get your thoughts on the pros and cons of owning a traditional

The Follies Trust has announced two lectures aimed at raising an awareness of and an appreciation for the pyramid-topped Malone Mausoleum (1812) in the grounds of Saint Bigseach’s Church (Kilbixy), County Westmeath, for the conservation and repair of which they have just received €50,000 in funding under the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s

The Register of Heritage Contractors are collaborating with the Construction Industry Federation on The Heritage Series, a series of recorded webinars aimed at raising awareness and understanding of conservation works, practices and materials when working on historic buildings and protected structures. The six recorded webinars are aimed at those interested in our built heritage, heritage

95 built heritage projects are to benefit from €4.5 million in funding under the Historic Structures Fund 2023 administered by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in partnership with thirty-one local authorities.  The funding follows the €4.5 million in funding recently announced under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023. The Historic Structures Fund

Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023 556 built heritage projects, spread out across 31 local authority areas, are to benefit from €4.5 million in funding under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023. The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) will assist custodians and owners of protected structures, and structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, in meeting their obligations