Nuacht agus Imeachtaí - Buildings of Ireland

Nuacht agus Imeachtaí

It has been announced that 477 heritage projects are to benefit from a total of €3m under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2021. In addition to supporting owners of historic structures in maintaining and safeguarding their properties, the funding will also provide a welcome boost to local construction and heritage trades by facilitating works

The Disaster Advice Free Online Seminar will take place on Wednesday 9th December 2020. The purpose of the seminar is to help owners of heritage and historic properties, where possible, to prevent or reduce the risk of disaster by fire, flood or vandalism, and to lessen the damage caused should disaster occur.  The seminar will

Details of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2021 and the Historic Structures Fund 2021 have been announced. A total of €6m is being made available with €3m allocated to the Built Heritage Investment Scheme, up 20% on 2020, and €3m allocated to the Historic Structures Fund, up over 75% on 2020. Both schemes represent a

David Winpenny, the author of Up to a Point, will deliver a webinar at 7:30pm on Thursday 26th November 2020 where he will set the pyramids of Britain and Ireland in their historical context and tell the story of the mausolea, ornaments and general pyramidal oddities that turn up in the most unexpected of places.

After almost four weeks of cleaning, conserving and painting, the Metal Man, Sligo, is once again ship-shape and Bristol fashion. The cast-iron Jack Tar, a navigation beacon located mid-channel between Rosses Point and Oyster Island, has pointed to safe passage into Sligo Harbour ever since it was first unveiled in 1821. The figure with outstretched

Ireland has a rich heritage of fanlit doorcases. Fanlights were designed and made throughout Ireland from the early eighteenth century up to the end of the nineteenth century. They are synonymous with Georgian squares and streetscapes but are also found in many towns and rural buildings. Fanlights cover a broad design spectrum, ranging from the