The National Built Heritage Service, a section of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, is hosting Old Town New Place, an event aimed at raising an awareness of the cultural significance of Irish towns and supporting the development of the specialist skills of the conservation professionals and local authority staff responsible for the care, repair and reuse of our historic built environment.
Old Town New Place is timed to explore the potential of THRIVE, the recently-announced new funding scheme under Ireland’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme, which is providing €120m to support local authorities reimagine and reinvigorate historic town centres and transform publicly-owned heritage buildings through conservation-led adaptive reuse.
Old Town New Place will give expert advice on approaches to research, community engagement and the necessary steps for successful funding under THRIVE. Old Town New Place will also showcase examples of high quality care, repair and reuse of heritage buildings across several Irish towns.
Old Town New Place will take place on Monday 4th March 2024 in the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, an early nineteenth-century almshouse skilfully adapted as a new cultural resource by McCullough Mulvin Architects. Old Town New Place is a free event but registration is required. Click here to view the full programme and to register.
Old Town New Place is an action of the National Policy on Architecture and New European Bauhaus supporting the delivery of the Government of Ireland’s Town Centre First Policy.