News and Events - Buildings of Ireland

News and Events

D’fhógair Christopher O’Sullivan TD, an tAire Stáit Dúlra, Oidhreachta agus Bithéagsúlachta, go bhfuil 651 tionscadal oidhreachta tógtha chun leas a bhaint as maoiniú de €8.1m le haghaidh deisiúcháin faoi stiúir caomhnaithe faoi Scéim Infheistíochta na hOidhreachta Tógtha 2025. Tacóidh Scéim Infheistíochta na hOidhreachta Tógtha le coimeádaithe agus úinéirí struchtúr cosanta, agus struchtúr laistigh de Limistéir

Christopher O’Sullivan TD, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Biodiversity, has announced that 651 built heritage projects are to benefit from €8.1m in funding for conservation-led repairs under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025. The Built Heritage Investment Scheme will support custodians and owners of protected structures, and structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, in

On 18th November 2024, Charlemont Walk, Dublin 2, became the hub of vibrant discussion about Irish towns in the context of the touring “The Reason of Towns” exhibition.  This gathering, hosted by the Irish Architecture Foundation and convened under the National Policy on Architecture, brought together colleagues from all parts of the Department of Housing,

Féadfaidh caomhnóirí agus úinéirí struchtúr cosanta iarratas a dhéanamh anois ar mhaoiniú deontais suas le €50,000 faoin Scéim Infheistíochta don Oidhreacht Thógtha 2025.  Cabhraíonn an Scéim Infheistíochta don Oidhreacht Thógtha (SIOT) le caomhnóirí agus úinéirí struchtúr cosanta a gcuid dualgas a chomhlíonadh maidir le cúram a thabhairt d’oidhreacht thógtha na hÉireann. Arna sheoladh ar an

Custodians and owners of protected structures may now apply for up to €50,000 in grant funding under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025.  The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) helps custodians and owners of protected structures meet their obligations in caring for Ireland’s built heritage. Launched on the 26th July, the BHIS 2025 will be

The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage has partnered with Meath County Council and Waterford City and County Council to create Wonder Wander Walking Trails.  This new series of walking trails raises awareness of and an appreciation for the rich built heritage in two Architectural Conservation Areas in each county: Dunboyne and Navan in County Meath,

676 built heritage projects, spread out across 31 local authority areas, are to benefit from €9 million in funding under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and Historic Structures Fund 2024. The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) will assist custodians and owners of protected structures, and structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, in meeting their obligations to

The National Built Heritage Service, a section of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, is hosting Old Town New Place, an event aimed at raising an awareness of the cultural significance of Irish towns and supporting the development of the specialist skills of the conservation professionals and local authority staff responsible for the

Improving Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings, new guidance to support energy efficiency upgrades in traditional buildings, is now available.  Primarily aimed at specifiers and installers of retrofitting works, the guidance will also be of interest to owners and occupiers of traditional buildings, residential and non-residential, who want to increase the comfort of these buildings while

Sheol Malcolm Noonan TD, an tAire Stáit don Dúlra, Oidhreachta agus Athchóirithe Toghcháin, an Scéim Infheistíochta don Oidhreacht Thógtha (BHIS) agus Ciste na Struchtúr Stairiúil (HSF) don bhliain 2024.  Cabhróidh an maoiniú iomlán de €9milliún trasna an dá scéim le húinéirí struchtúir chosanta a gcuid réadmhaoine a dheisiú faoi stiúir caomhnaithe. Áireoidh BHIS 2024 maoiniú